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Strathgordon is the community in Australia, located some 140 km to the west from Glenorchy. The capital city Canberra is in 1,140 km to the north-east. According to the latest census, the population of Strathgordon is about 140 people. People mostly visit Strathgordon to see its lakes and arch dams.

The closest airport Strahan Airport (IATA: SRN) is about 120 km away.

Tourist attractions in it

1. Lake Gordon
Lake Gordon is the name of a lake created by the Gordon River Dam on the upper reaches of the Gordon River in south west Tasmania.

2. Gordon Dam
Gordon River Dam, also known as Gordon Dam, is a double curvature arch dam on the Gordon River in Tasmania. Its height is 140 metres (460 ft), making it the tallest dam in Tasmania and the fifth-tallest in Australia.

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Lake Gordon

Lake Gordon is the name of a lake created by the Gordon River Dam on

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Hotels in Strathgordon

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Sassafras Springs Cottages

starting $85

Pedder Wilderness Lodge

starting $99

Giants Table & Cottages

starting $96

Maydena Country Cabins

starting $117

Maydena Chalet

starting $88

Hamlet Downs Country Accommodation

starting $148

Curringa Farm Accommodation

starting $185

Tahune Air Walk Lodge

starting $45

Flight tickets to Strathgordon

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