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Niasviž (Нясьвіж) is the settlement in Belarus, located some 60 km to the east from Baranoviche. The capital city Minsk is in 130 km to the north-east. The population of Niasviž is 12,900 people (as of 2013). Thousands of tourists visit Niasviž every year to see its castles and churches.

The closest airport Minsk 1 (IATA: MHP) is about 120 km away.

Tourist attractions in Niasviž

1. Nesvizh Castle
Nesvizh Castel (беларуская. Нясьвіскі замак, Niasvižski zamak, polski. Nieświeski zamek, lietuvių. Nesvyžius) is a residential castle of the Radziwill family in Niasviž in Belarus.

2. Фарны касьцёл (Нясьвіж)
Касьцёл Цела Божага (Фарны) ў Нясьвіжы — архітэктурны помнік раньняга барока, першы на тэрыторыі Рэчы Паспалітай і другі ў Эўропе барочны касьцёл, родавы магільны склеп князёў Радзівілаў.

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Nesvizh Castle

Nesvizh Castel (беларуская. Нясьвіскі замак, Niasvižski zamak, polsk

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Hotels in Niasviž

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starting $0

Robins Club

starting $98

IBB Hotel

starting $42

Complex Comfort

starting $79

Sputnik Hotel

starting $35

Hotel Gorizont

starting $30

Voyage Hotel

starting $27

Green City Hotel

starting $41

Flight tickets to Niasviž

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