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Cornellana is the small place in Spain, located some 10 km to the north-west from Grado. The capital city Madrid is in 510 km to the south-east. According to the latest census, the population of Cornellana is about 160 people. People mostly visit it to see its christian monasteries.

The nearest airport Asturias (IATA: OVD) is about 30 km away.

Best things to see in it

1. Monasterio de San Salvador (Cornellana)
Monasterio de San Salvador in Cornellana is a monastery located in Cornellana, municipality of Salas in Asturias, Spain.

If you have already seen Cornellana, there are still plenty of things to do on the outskirts of the city. If you are around, try one of the following places:

For pictures of Cornellana, take a look at our gallery.

Cornellana tourist attractions and interesting places

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Monasterio de San Salvador (Cornellana)

Monasterio de San Salvador in Cornellana is a monastery located in

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Hotels in Cornellana

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Hotel Palacio de la Magdalena

starting $90

Spa Rural Mirador de Miranda

starting $275

Hotel Palacio Conde Toreno

starting $66

Antiguo Casino Hotel

starting $72

Hotel Casona del Busto

starting $50

Hotel las Cruces

starting $27

Hotel Castillo Valdes Salas

starting $77

Apartamentos La Balandra de Muros

starting $106

Flight tickets to Cornellana

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