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Chilacaya is the small place in Chile, located some 190 km to the south-east from Arica. The capital city Santiago is in 2,140 km to the south. The population is about 90 people in accordance with the 2010 census. People mostly visit Chilacaya to see its volcanos.

The closest airport Chacalluta (IATA: ARI) is about 200 km away.

Interesting places in it

1. Arintica
Arintica is a stratovolcano located in Arica y Parinacota Region of Chile, near the border with Bolivia. It lies north of the Salar de Surire.

If you have already seen Chilacaya, there are still plenty of things to do on the outskirts of the city. If you are around, try one of the following places:

Also, check out the photographs of other travellers of the area.

Chilacaya tourist attractions and interesting places

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Arintica is a stratovolcano located in Arica y Parinacota Region of

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Hotels in Chilacaya

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Hotel Gavina Express

starting $69

Hotel Avenida

starting $57

Hotel Casa Kolping

starting $46

Hotel Diego De Almagro Arica

starting $89

Hotel Puerto Chinchorro

starting $67

Hotel Americano

starting $55

Hotel Concorde

starting $50

Hotel Casa Beltran

starting $80

Flight tickets to Chilacaya

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