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Loren (Лорино) is the village in Russia, located some 670 km to the west from Anado. The capital city Moscow is in 8,210 km to the east. The population of Loren is 1,500 people (as of 2008). People mostly visit Loren to see its bridges.

It is served by Provideniya Bay (IATA: PVS) airport, which is 190 km away.

Tourist attractions in it

1. Bridge through Loren
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If you have already seen Loren, there are still plenty of things to do on the outskirts of the city. Are you fancy to travel around a bit? Here is our list:

Be sure to check out photos of the area taken by other travellers.

Loren tourist attractions and interesting places

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Hotels in Loren

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Flight tickets to Loren

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