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Laykhayarvi is the small place in Russia, located some 180 km to the east from Lahti, 70 km south-west of Finland border. The capital city Moscow is in 1,020 km to the south-east. According to the latest census, the population of Laykhayarvi is about 140 people.

Laykhayarvi is served by Lappeenranta (IATA: LPP) airport, which is 70 km away.

There's not too much to visit for a fellow tourist in Laykhayarvi, but the outskirts are rich of tourist attractions. If you are around, try one of the following places:

To understand Laykhayarvi better you can also take a look at the gallery.

Laykhayarvi tourist attractions and interesting places

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Hotels in Laykhayarvi

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Original Sokos Hotel Lappee

starting $193

Vi?toria Hotel Vyborg

starting $120

Druzhba Hotel

starting $80

Severnaya Korona

starting $22

Apartments Vyborg

starting $36

Atlantik Hotel

starting $11

Apartments Ullberg

starting $38

Vyborg Hotel

starting $36

Flight tickets to Laykhayarvi

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