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Faustinopolis (Şücaeddin) is the small place in Turkey, located some 110 km to the north-west from Tarsus. The capital city Ankara is in 390 km to the north-west. According to the latest census, the population of Faustinopolis is about 170 people.

Airport Adana (IATA: ADA) is 130 km away from Faustinopolis and is the closest airport to it.

As of today, we don't know about any particularly interesting visitors attractions in Faustinopolis, so lets take a look at the surroundings. If you're visiting the area, you may want to check out something from the following list:

If you're interested in some photographs of Faustinopolis - take a look at our gallery

Faustinopolis tourist attractions and interesting places

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Hotels in Faustinopolis

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Ihlara Akar Hotel

starting $36

Mersin Oteli

starting $28

Lüks Hotel

starting $41

Othello Hotel

starting $27

Mirel Hotel

starting $35

Ugur Otel

starting $20

Sultan Hotel

starting $19

Ramada Mersin

starting $27

Flight tickets to Faustinopolis

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